“Crypto-Photos” [Biblical Economics Series]
I checked it out, and what I see
Is shift of cash by rich Chinese
To crypto-coin (instead of gold),
As value drops if cash they hold.For Trump has trade-war on his plate;
Devalued cash – retaliates –
So those in power over there
Protect their stash – which shows us where –This Bitcoin’s value is, a bit,
For ETF can drive a shift
As well (fund sits, this time on coin,
Sell shares of stash to those who join).Bitcoin’s supply quite finite is,
So hoarders with their value-biz,
Are into mi not into nos,
So play the way the market goes.But one more thing – those other coins
Depleted are – their cash purloined
To jump on Bitcoin (too late now,
But folks think they can milk old cows).So in financial sector (here),
Think sunset-photos – check what’s near;
Or better yet, look back behind –
Gaze at the gazers – crypto-kind.For beauty is not just at source –
In bounce as well – much greater force
Is therefore taking – few are there –
So grab those crypto-photos fair.Thanks Lord for this.