“Arise, My Friend” [cancer-two series]
So that is it? You took a fit
Because you heard a bit of it?
Well, lady – time to shake it off –
Don’t lead with attitude and scoff.It seems you’re leader in of the pack –
Three other nurses suck up that
Wee ’tude you carry on your face –
Such follows us, to our disgrace.It needn’t – you have left there now;
Nice folks behind – but do allow
For sucky aspects from each town;
I like your laugh – but not your frown.So take a hint from me, my friend,
And of your childhood make an end;
Such gossip kills – be done with it,
And lead your team to better fit.Like jokes and laughter, greetings share;
Learn each one’s name, express your care;
Turn this place ’round, give each a break,
Then in your prayers, thanksgiving make.Thanks Lord for this.