“Another Way” [Reflections On Book - 100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design Stephen Heller and Veronique Vienne - #67]
An envelope has uses, yes,
For it confines its content-set;
To push the limits, raise the bar
Or show folks one is reaching far –Or way beyond what’s seen today
By average person on the way
To buy some Coca-Cola, fries
Or hamburger – “Lift up your eyes –“And see what we are doing now!
We’d like to jar your mind somehow –
We’re different from what you believe –
Let this fresh concept interweave –“With what you’re doing at this time,
With thoughts now present in your mind –
Quick snack of mental food for you,
Enriching what you say or do.”Of course, the fastest uptake is
A picture, graphic, which, for biz,
Is all about ads general –
Plug thought which is ephemeral.Thanks Lord for this.