“Two Ways (To Start)” [65 photo sheet series – Intro]

They started out from where you’ve been –
“Select three photos, where you’re keen
To let the others see your stuff,
Though now you know it’s not enough.

“Pull out their essence best you can;
Apply those factors in a plan
You use to do first sixteen sheets
Then analyze when they’re complete”.

Like, “Easy”, “Fun”, “Best product from
Which exercises” – check the sum
For either you work “Method” style,
Or “Flexible” prefer the while.

Each list flows into genres where
Employers line up wanting their
Productions made in one of those
Approaches – best if worker knows.

Then they move on – explore your way
Through exercises chunked to play
With aspects using those two styles,
To see how you feel – makes you smile?

A further set of “Mix-and-match”,
Where style is mixed with “Genre” batch
Of photos (extra aspects add
To stretch beyond the basic pad).

Then, finally, cross-lists to stretch
Your preferred way – like me with text –
But here, it’s just, “Learn other way,
For you might need that skill someday.”

Lord, I’d not seen such grouping way
Of learning content – I would say
That maybe ’cause it’s server stuff,
Which is low gift – I don’t do much.

Thanks Lord for this.
