“The Packaging” [Reflections On Book - 100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design Stephen Heller and Veronique Vienne - #65]
It started after World War II,
When companies sought what to do
To keep their profits high, the while
Promoting single-item style.Pollution shot up through the roof,
Which stayed in line with wartime route –
Destruction doesn’t flood the scene
With excess product – bankers keen.When “How to cut back” came at last,
Creative types then had a blast
With packages you could reuse;
Materials that don’t abuse –Environment once they are through,
But keep our single-item view –
Desired, now we’ve been trained that way;
Not “Bulk – please bring your shopping bag”.When we lived in the North, years back,
We brought our rucksacks for our back;
Skidoo sleighs, motorboats, and planes,
Transported goods the way we came.For they come from a history
Of wilderness, just meeting needs;
Not viewed as market flush with cash,
So, at the time, bulk packed our stash.Design was still a part of life –
Photography I made for wife
And friends I knew – they painted, carved,
We lived alright – and no one starved.So maybe we can shift once more,
When packages dropped at our door
By drones which buzz above our heads –
Just let them in – put stuff to bed –Or into drawers – no packaging –
Less work for us, for as they bring
Things to our homes and companies,
They fly away – slick as can be.Thanks Lord for this.