“Jesse A.” (Psalm 23)

It’s over, Lord – I thank You for her life;
So calm she was amidst our constant strife;
She’s gone to be with You, her poet’s heart
May bring to those beyond, refreshing start –

Or not – for who knows what’s beyond the pale?
But let me share my thoughts, so folks don’t fail
To sense her interactive giving stance –
This woman, who when younger, loved to dance.

She sang her way through life – gave that to kids;
As generations stretched, helped them be rid
Of stress from troubled lives – from young to old –
“Come one and all, live life as one that’s bold”.

I pray for sons and daughters in the mix;
For husband by her side, those decades six;
For friends whose lives she touched and welcomed in,
That life together could somehow begin.

For me, she was the reason I came back –
“Are you still one of us? You need not lack
Community, you’re welcome if you wish” –
“Sounds like a plan” (brushed past away, one swish).

I can’t say it was easy coming back –
So much had changed – her group aware of that;
“Revolving door is what we have”, she quipped;
Folks come and go – not urged to do their bit.

“For being part is doing what you can,
As little kid, grown woman, or as man;
If you are not allowed to do your part,
No sense your being here – for gift’s the start.

“When we give out to others roundabout,
It starts a flow, which melts that rising doubt
That we’ve no value; place; we take up room –
But gift that is refused, admits that gloom.”

Lord, that’s the heart of what I learned from Jess –
Reflected in her kin who knew her best,
And shared with us in church just yesterday –
Her message lingers on – “Stu, will you play?”

Thanks Lord for this.
