The saying has it, “Take two steps back,
From one step forward” – that part we lack –
“Just join the lineup – too bad, we’re closed,
Come back tomorrow – that’s how life flows.”“The doctor’s moved now”, square one again;
“That means big city”, more waiting game;
“It’s not my problem – it’s yours I’d say
The clock says quitting – it’s end of day.”The guy whirled backwards to parking spot;
He almost hit me but parking got –
This town has spirit that twisted is –
A screwed-up system of grasping biz.Perhaps that’s basic to what will come –
The money’s shrinking for everyone;
Malaise is rampant; a few get rich;
Like reservation, we’re in a ditch.I’ve spent a lifetime dispensing hope;
It’s disappearing with shrinking scope;
Lord, it’s perplexing – what should I do?
“From Kingdom-layer, I’ll work through you.“So keep on trucking, while there’s still time;
The big one’s coming, the timing’s Mine;
So hang-loose buddy, learn Spanish, French –
On Kingdom-layer there is no fence.“It doesn’t matter – that ball of ice
Is life for many – let satisfice
What works, releasing the surplus crap;
Enjoy your living, content with that.”Okay Lord, thanks for this.