“Blessed Are The Peacemakers” (Revelation 1:6; Matthew 5:9; Luke 13:1-9)

The looks I get from Spanish folks
Arriving here as butcher-blokes,
Is one of incredulity,
As they returning-soldiers see.

Like boys at front at Passchendaele –
One hundred years ago – assailed
The hill at Vimy Ridge, and won
A piece of worthless turf, and slung –

A ton of shells at “enemy”,
Destroying lives there constantly,
While those who gained were safe at home –
No way they’d near those front-lines roam.

Well, this is “twixt the fights” again;
Folks shuffle ’round avoiding pain,
While rich get richer – “Kings” they be;
While “Priests” give dope to all they see.

“Titanic” – that’s the ship we’re on;
Some scramble up the gangplank – song
Upon their lips, joy in their hearts,
As Ireland fades, and voyage starts.

“Unsinkable” – that metaphor
Two years before that awful war –
“Naïve” move forward to the front;
“Survivors” think, “Titanic’s sunk”.

What if one rose above that scene,
Could past and future view? less keen
They’d be – for what’s ahead on road,
Is now for aching hearts, their load.

Did some get off in Ireland?
Or not enlist to fight for land
That useless was, as were their lives
On battlefield – where nonsense thrives?

’Twas ever thus – the smart check out;
The only issue that’s in doubt,
Is where is “safe” in war ahead,
Or iceberg lanes where most lie dead?

That’s why they look so strange at me –
“I’m climbing on, but now I see
You’re getting off this classy ship –
What’s going on? What did I miss?”

Walls fall on people’s heads – too bad;
Ships hit the ice and sink – how sad;
Wars start and grind up man and beast,
And worlds they’ve built – that few might feast –

Upon the gains procured by war –
Economies pumped up some more
For years to come – that’s what it’s for –
“Remaining few get wealth galore”.

The only thing that changes now
Is role in fight ahead – so how
Do you see best place up ahead
Where, after fight, you’ll still be fed?

So why not “Die to world” right now,
And climb on Kingdom-layer, see how
You might be part of life that lasts,
Despite destruction’s stormy blasts?

For once you’re dead, it matters not
The silliness where others walk;
Now “Meadow-Wood” is where you are,
For Kingdom’s space is near and far.

We’re “Church of Kings and Priests”, indeed –
Your constant flow of grace we need,
O Lord – pour out forgiveness now;
And time, to learn Your words of “how”.

Thanks Lord for this.
