Gracias Señor” (Genesis 11:1-9; Luke Chapter 15)

The song she sings so beautifully, for which I know the tune,
Sustains me through this language task, as I make him some room
To make his way from where he is up to his mountain-top;
Perhaps it will not be enough, but Lord, it’s what I’ve bought.

Not bought with cash, so much as me – my time and effort spent
In making tool-set he can use, to which my shoulder’s bent;
Lord, grant that as I go from here, let go of task we’ve done,
He’ll find it, mixed with grace You give, less hassle, increased fun.

It’s still his mountain to be climbed, his learning-task to do;
But thanks for ways You’ve helped me out in getting here with You.
Bless him and other folks around who choose to use these tools,
That they might each communicate, feel less like sidelined fools.

And bless me as I try this out, help me to patient be;
Help me stay sensitive to needs which I perchance might see;
In language-learning tasks we face, drop arrogance and pride,
Recalling how You also came and walked here by our sides.

I’m so impressed by what You’ve given through prayer and other folks;
Through skills, and gifts You built in us, and effort-easing jokes;
I could not see how this could be from small steps at the first,
But You could, and You guided us through best days and the worst.

It’s hard for me to turn from this to using tools we’ve made,
But thank-You for the deck of cards to focus – clubs to spades;
Thank You for leaving “Ace” with us “Enough-card” we can play;
For me it’s also “Gracias!” card, for grace upon our way.

Lord, I’m quite tired as this wraps up; contented too I am;
It’s been extended task we’ve done, I’m glad to lend a hand;
Bless us this day in Babel-land; help each to leave intact
The barriers we need to buy us time, for sin’s a fact –

We might not like; but choice You gave – invention I think’s cool,
In big or little things we do since days way back in school;
We’re not the best that choosing right, but thank You Lord, for this –
That when we blow it, then return, You grant forgiving kiss.

Thanks Lord for this.

Lord in this poem I now hear Your word to me today –
“Stu, photographing is the way, I give such kiss to say
My “Welcome home, son – it’s been hard; come in and set a spell;
We’ll deal with it another time, on Kingdom-layer, not hell.

Thanks Lord for this.
