"Total Picture Control"  [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 4: 16] (John John 10:1-29; 12:20-28)

When I was youthful in the ‘Peg’
I read three sections they had made
At William public library
On aspects of photography.

I learned a lot, but one stands out
Above the others, whisper – shout –
Andreas Fenninger’s big book –
Said, “Gain control – here take a look”.

Within its graphic exposé
Of how it works, like optics – “Hey!
You can through science-base beneath
The process, learn and find your feet”.

Then later on was Fenninger –
In his “Complete Photographer”
I learned to focus camera time
On use to me and purpose mine.

Then Weston-based Zone System came,
Where logarithmic was the game;
Huge boost to sense I had control,
But question – what was camera’s role?

I let it go, regained my life;
Then off to quest through business night –
I found the piece – eight hours a day
In fact kept showing me the way.

In switch to digital, ahead
I was, as film to video had led
The industry – and I was there
When CBC for switch prepared.

But then the gap – “Where’s info, guys?
To keep my lead, inform my eyes –
The “William Library” today –
Self-taught again – please show the way.

Too late for me – tsunami came
Of info – “Digital” the name;
I made the switch without the cash
To change, for info came too fast.

For generations sweep on by
In eighteen months – takes cash to buy
New tools and toys – I stuck with film,
And rode it out – an act of will.

And then the change – it still goes on –
In auto-mode (or semi-) “wrong”;
Fell back to “what” I had to say;
Augmented text’s emerged today.

And that lays out a set of tools,
All digital – no time for schools;
“The Internet brought forth the change”,
Said one, “agendas rearranged”.

So when Chris Orwig says, “Control
Is back” in spades, drop auto-mode,
I know he’s right – two factors though –
My sight, and software I don’t know.

So steady I press on and shoot
In auto-mode, as I regroup
Assembled tools I need to press
On into digi-wilderness.

It’s partly now I’m cutting back,
And being pruned for the attack
Within new-normal’s all around –
Seven-double-years is where I’m found.

Lord, help me balance all this out;
In You abide; release my doubts;
Not take on stuff beside the point;
And bring some order to this joint.

Thanks Lord for this.
