"Brokenness"  [Module #46] (Mark 6:41)

Whose broken lunch has given you refreshment?
Whose way of life has given you your start?
Was it just Christ who died Good Friday morning?
Was there someone who, dying, played a part?

Think of the men and women through the ages,
Dying that we might have Scripture text;
Think of the folk who lived and built our nation,
Living their lives that we might have the best.

Two massive wars and smaller conflagrations,
Burned out the lives of millions needlessly;
So many died that we might have this freedom –
Boy’s broken lunch that Christ might meet our need.

Now comes the point when we let go to Jesus
Lunch which we have, that He might bless and break
All that we have – when situation warrants,
We let it go – of blessing we partake.

Thanks for this Lord.
