"Reframe The Task" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 4 - 4] ( Eccles. 7:13-18; John 15:9-17; Hebrews 12:1-3; James 1:2-8; )
Reframe the task with joy,
Not just as girls and boys,
But now with adult tasks,
Kick back each time and ask –What joy is found in this?
What essence here of bliss?
No need for other’s frame –
Turn tasks into some game.For life’s gone far too quick
To waste one timing’s tick
On sorrow-filled regrets,
Or days of endless stress.“What’s good about this scene?”
Asks Robbins, “What’s it mean?”
In thirty billion years
There will be no more tears –For ice-ball will be earth;
“Not much” will be it’s worth;
So kick back and enjoy –
Ship out with cry, “ahoy!”Thanks Lord for this.