Grace [Reflections on The New Introduction to Rabbi Daniel Lapin's Book Thou Shalt Prosper] (1 Thes.5:16-18; Amos 8; Matt:26:14-16; Acts 3:1-10; 8:9-25; 1 Peter 1:17-21)
Creator of deficiencies, and needs in all around,
We thank You we’re imperfect folks in whom such needs are found;
For without needs, deficiencies, in gifts, and skills, and sight,
We would not need each other as we stumble through the night.We thank You Lord for gaps, and lack, and incapacities,
Not just in us but other folks which business can relieve;
We thank You we can’t do all things, by no means all things well,
For if we could, we’d need no one – the scene since Adam fell.You’ve graced us each with treasured gifts to feed into the pool
Of life around our limping stance – some output which is cool;
Help us exchange in healthful ways the gift You’ve given to us,
That others with deficiencies and needs might buy from us.And where we cannot meet their needs, help us to pass them on
To those who best can lend a hand, bring treasures from the pond,
Which they can purchase with the cash they earned from meeting needs
Themselves, as they contributed some food on which fish feed.Thanks Lord, for this.