Wot’s In D’ Crock? (Exodus 16:18; 2 Cor. 8:1-15)

“You catch it, kill it, drag it home,
And then it’s yours, and yours alone”,
Is view idyllic in The States,
Which content great for preaching makes –

But it’s a crock – take manna jars
From Exodus – yes, working hard
Each day to fill your manna jar
Was part of it – not all by far.

For some are quick and some are slow;
Quick fill their jars and then they go
Help slow ones fill their jars to top,
And at the end of day they’ve got –

Enough of daily bread for each –
In wilderness it kept the peace,
For bread would spoil by setting sun;
One day’s quick work – soon all were done.

Perhaps that’s why they kept a jar
Of manna-bread in Ark, when far
From desert life they’d moved in life
And culture – memo of what’s right.

For we now think it tells us (so
Our hearts don’t fail when money goes),
That God provides bread in the sun
Of desert life, when life’s no fun.

But there is more – God’s placed it here –
Boundless resource – but now it’s clear
That there are limits, most of all;
And when we hoard ( e’er since the fall –

We tend to do) some starve to death;
And we expire, breathe final breath,
Because when quick ones fill their face,
They walk away from human race.

So, yes, I think he’s got a point,
But I don’t hear the Reb anoint
Life lived in style American
As only way, or best for man.

One def. of heresy I like
Is, “Take one part (which is all right),
And make it ‘all that really counts’”,
By which perversity’s announced.

Apart from that, I’ve got no prob. –
“You want some cash, go get a job –
Or start a biz – just do some work;
Don’t settle as entitled jerk.”
