"The Edit" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 3:15 ] (Isaiah 42:18-21; Luke 19:38-40; 35:5; Ps. 146:7-8; 9:25; Matthew 11:4-6 )
We need to see anew each day
In thinking ’bout our photo-way;
Reflecting on our pictures catch
In Lightroom’s catalog and batch.We need to know our picture wants
When looking over photo jaunts;
Of course there’s serendipity
At every stage in what we see.But still, we often have in mind
Some pic desired, along some line,
Which shows some aspect very well,
But trimmed, the photo also tells –A sense of subtle mystery,
Outside the part in frame we see,
Which asks more of me quietly –
Demands I bring my history.So working more creatively
Is not my task exclusively,
But all of us must learn to bring
Fresh eyes to art – result? It sings!navigation