"Spread" [Module #37B] (Matt. 13:24-52)
Ideas spread on principle;
Results are quite predictable;
For flowers each have types of seed,
And seed must each their parents leave.Choose what you want, then plant that seed;
Words spoken fly, as birds have needs
For fruit with seeds, to grow, mature –
Its fruit they pick, for its alure.For seed-words to be picked and fly,
Right seed-words place in fruit they try;
Choose fruit with receptivity,
Not filled with negativity.Sometimes ideas are like leaven,
In package form, or loose like heaven
(We know it’s all around, can’t see;
It has effect, so it must be).With leaven, mix in thoroughly,
Then let it rise, punch down with glee,
And let it rise again, again
(Perhaps that’s why French call it “pain”).So seeds go wide, and leaven close;
Seed words we write succeed the most
If they have externalities,
Which meet the growing-needs of seeds.navigation