"Black And White" [Reflections on Chris Orwig's Book Visual Poetry - Chapter 3:13 ] ( Psalm 8)
Adjustment hardest was for me
In shift from silver base,
To digital in black and white,
My skill set turned to waste.Oh no, not wasted fully now,
But waste in victory –
I’d overcome a barrier
Translating what I’d see –For black and white was what I shot
Except for that and this;
My skill-set rose from barriers,
Which made my efforts miss –Their target of the tones I saw
Within my mind ahead,
With patient work and chemistry
Translated tones were read.But now I need not think like that,
In Photoshop some child
Can point and click to shift a tone,
To shift the tones to mild.But challenge still abides in work
A photo-maker does,
It’s different though – demanding us
To enter scene, because –The world around familiar gets,
It’s easy to move on;
More challenging, to push on through
To see what’s looked upon.So, hang around your neighborhood,
And see what others miss –
Help neighbors open up their eyes,
Receiving heaven’s kiss.Thanks Lord for this.