Starting Out
I know this woman, who amazing is
In her own way, who enters legal biz;
A vision hers, as she starts down that road –
Decisions made, she now takes up the load.Base training done – she now will find her feet,
And that process, now will get to meet
Amazing folks, some I have met as well –
Old warriors, each from their bit of hell.They started too along their roads to fame,
And fortune – some, like others hoped to gain
A bit of power, position, make their mark;
Then in the end some found their better part.It’s quite the same how each of us starts out –
One egg, one sperm, one race, one wins – no route,
But rather, many more arrive ahead,
Dissolve away the cover – all are led –By some instinctive drive to gain the goal;
Who wins the race and gets to have a soul?
One in a million, like a marathon –
For we’re all winners – but all stand upon –The shoulders of the ones who worked there first;
There’s randomness – it could be best or worst
Who walks right through that door now opened wide,
Which closes fast the moment one’s inside.“How can that be?” You ask, and contemplate
If “you” were early, or if somehow late;
“Are we not special? Knit within the womb?
Our place in God laid out, to be assumed?”Sure – but it’s social – one-in-all-in-one;
God made each million sperm then had some fun;
He likes a race, it seems, seven billion folks,
Each running races – concept which He spoke.Ezekiel speaks at one group's shift in ways
From “social only” to more private days;
Now we’ve gone out the other side, too far –
We’re separate, yet one we really are.Think of the gymnasts in a pyramid –
One’s at the top like pot with shining lid,
Her arms outstretched in “V” for victory,
But stands atop the others – plain to see.Each person is one part of larger whole,
Like hand, or foot, or eye – “one” with a soul;
A perfect hand, a foot, or eye, indeed;
Each needing rest of body to succeed.In mind of God it matters not who wins;
A lot depends on how each one begins,
And choices made by others and by self,
Or childhood’s world of poverty or wealth.The greatest mind, low protein as a kid
Will wither on the vine – God’s plan is hid
From view – what if she is unjustly tried,
And sentenced – hope for all just died inside.This game’s far bigger than each tiny part;
Potential of each person at the start
Can fall apart, but in God’s larger view,
He knits us each together – body new.Once, each is born by water – flesh and blood;
Then born again’s an option – like the flood –
Humanity was saved by Noah’s act –
There’s choice involved to get the garden back.But sin is not the whole of what Christ did;
He dealt with it of course, but something’s hid
From view in Western thought today for most –
“Dis-unity” – see that or we are toast.In Christ we can regain our sense of “whole”;
He dealt with it – we’re not just body, soul,
And spirit – each a separate entity,
But special parts of one humanity.When feet walk down the beach and feel the sand,
And we with lover gaze while hand in hand
At sunset of our day – so much not done –
We rest assured, for we are part of one.The eye that sees the sunset, carried there
By feet which feel the sand; wind in our hair;
The sounds of surf; the gentle loving touch –
Thank God it’s social – one-in-all-in-one.And as our spring turns summer, autumn comes,
We walk that beach, reflect how quickly runs
Our few short years of life beneath the sun,
And thrill to see God’s up-and-coming young.For they are us, and we in each live on;
Their choices at the top to all belong;
The ones who come before them at the bench,
Are like their hand or foot – so in a sense –In mind of God, it matters not who wins;
A lot depends on how each one begins,
And choices made by others and by self,
Or childhood’s world poverty or wealth.Soak in the presence of these ones who’ve walked
This road ahead, paused with you now to talk;
For in your being when you’re at the top,
They’re one with you – made openings you sought.navigation