"Don't Push The River" - [Gross and Shapiro - Tao Of Photography - Reflections - pp.21-27] (Exodus 14:13-14; John 15:5-6)
I made a photo once (AT),
“Don’t push the river” – said to me,
“Life has a tempo – Northern ways
Respect that tempo, shapes ones’ days”.If you fight nature, you will lose;
If you work with her, you can choose
From endless ways to ease your plight,
Escape from deepest dark of night.As we step back and disengage
Our active lives, words fill the page,
And photos spring to life from scenes –
Augmenting text and what it means.If we stay focused and engaged,
We struggle, then become enraged
That life won’t work in tempo fast –
Uncaring flows the river past.This fact’s compounded in the loop,
Where letting go is of the route
We walk each day – “Do this or that;
Give Me some room; then watch Me act”.It’s interactive in my case,
A give and take within my space;
“Abide in Me, and I in you”,
Christ said, “in all you say and do”.navigation