The Treasure Hunter" [#19] (Matt. 6:19-31; 13:44-46; Luke 15)

Photo-making’s how I pray,
Interceding every day;
Snap a picture, give it air,
See what God’s transacting there!

‘This and that’ is what I do,
Scouting ’round in search of you;
More or less like treasure hunt,
You’re the treasure – let’s do lunch.

Stored up in this heavenly space,
Precious folks of human race;
Gifts aplenty all around –
Some sought out, but these were found.

Now they’re sought with truffle-pig,
Foraging – in forest digs,
Looking for elusive scent;
Truffled treasure’s what is meant.

Mean, and mean, yet meaning still,
Is objective to fulfill –
Storing treasure up above,
Captured with the Savior’s love.

Worry not about the clothes,
Worn with pride by all of those,
Who as yet don’t understand
Treasure hunt throughout this land.

Give this day our daily bread,
That our bodies can be fed,
Clothed, thirst quenched, our needs all met,
By all-knowing Father, yet –

This is purpose for all this –
Treasure hunting with a kiss
Of photography – one click
Digs up treasure others missed –

Lost, hence buried ’neath the mud;
Grounded with a Spirit’s thud,
When dismissed by other’s lives
(Without them they’ll never thrive).

Search for treasure of great price –
Mud encrusted’s still quite nice;
Wipe it off, bring it to light,
Party time in heaven tonight!

Lost son; lost coin; lost sheep; all
Since old Adam took the fall –
Then Christ died thus giving life
To the lost here in the night.

“Art is how folks access you,
In this treasure hunt – so, Stu,
Do eight hours photography –
Forthright authenticity.

“Bring folks into body-life
Under me – here in the light;
You’ll be copied, so progress
In My search for non-the-less.

“Giver-land is turf for you,
In your search for treasure new;
Pour out all, that some be saved;
As Apostle, be behaved.

“Seeking codes to unlock hearts –
Cultured-pearls – that’s where one starts;
If you stumble on a box
Of fine treasures – bust the lock.

“Once the code is figured out
(Question, puzzle, greatest doubt),
Satisfy with Gospel’s gold,
Treasure they have longed to hold.

“Stu, when you first started out,
Questioned me, ‘What’s that about?’
I said, ‘Never mind right now,
Got to clean soul-soil somehow’.

“Then we got to work each day,
While on quest you sought a way
To do church sustainably;
Gasket’s found – and now you see.

“Deep desires I’ve placed in you,
As through years of life you grew,
I fulfill – now listed out,
Priorized – there’s now no doubt.

“Hunger list made yesterday,
Lays it out – top two’s the way
To proceed as business-man
In my Giver-Finance land.

“First, accept the folks around;
Make some outlet for next round
In their lives – contributing
Best they’ve got – as gifts they bring.

“ ’Till they see in life their place,
Not just using others space;
Valued, each and every one,
Body-life together – fun.

“Second, help folks make up tools,
Use and pass them on through schools,
Formal and informally –
Effective and efficiently.

“That should keep you off the streets,
As you plug in missing piece;
So together, or alone,
Others find in Me their home.

“All the other listed tasks
Are supportive, as in past;
Keep your focus – treasure hunt –
‘You’re the treasure – let’s do lunch’.”

Thanks Lord for this.
