"Prayer For Us" [#18] (Matt 6:5-18)
To me a prayer’s relationship,
Expressed in words – that’s part of it;
More, presence, with an interchange
With God, unseen – to some it’s strange.It’s like a beachhead in our life,
Where God impacts with self, and wife,
And kids, then to community,
And world – those folks we never see.The down-slope of the loop as well,
Is part of it, since Adam fell
We lost our place while living there –
Which changes in becoming prayer.A body-life with other folks
Who bond in tasks, and common yokes
Together – prayer’s not ganging up,
But being one when life gets tough.A fast makes distance from God’s gifts
To us (which ‘one with God’ resists),
So our communion with our God
Is easier here on this sod.Temptations are diverging roads;
And evil, weight of outside loads,
Which should not be part of our lives,
But are – but melt when God arrives.Prayer tips us off to “this and that”
God asks of us – but not as last
Thing on our lists of things to do,
But as and when He asks us to.To enter in such active life,
Amazing is – when things are tight
In lives of those around our space –
Kaboom! Release in what they face.Lord’s Prayer was learned by all my peers,
So now for us, as parting nears,
It’s useful – bonds community,
In prayer from youth we thought would be –But it fell back for need of fast
To separate, shift first to last,
To gain perspective, high above
With Christ – then loops back here in love.navigation