"Prayer For Us" [#18] (Matt 6:5-18)

To me a prayer’s relationship,
Expressed in words – that’s part of it;
More, presence, with an interchange
With God, unseen – to some it’s strange.

It’s like a beachhead in our life,
Where God impacts with self, and wife,
And kids, then to community,
And world – those folks we never see.

The down-slope of the loop as well,
Is part of it, since Adam fell
We lost our place while living there –
Which changes in becoming prayer.

A body-life with other folks
Who bond in tasks, and common yokes
Together – prayer’s not ganging up,
But being one when life gets tough.

A fast makes distance from God’s gifts
To us (which ‘one with God’ resists),
So our communion with our God
Is easier here on this sod.

Temptations are diverging roads;
And evil, weight of outside loads,
Which should not be part of our lives,
But are – but melt when God arrives.

Prayer tips us off to “this and that”
God asks of us – but not as last
Thing on our lists of things to do,
But as and when He asks us to.

To enter in such active life,
Amazing is – when things are tight
In lives of those around our space –
Kaboom! Release in what they face.

Lord’s Prayer was learned by all my peers,
So now for us, as parting nears,
It’s useful – bonds community,
In prayer from youth we thought would be –

But it fell back for need of fast
To separate, shift first to last,
To gain perspective, high above
With Christ – then loops back here in love.
