You Can Live There; And You Can Live There" [#10A] ( Matthew 4: 12-25)
I like the way You moved to town,
And walked the country up and down;
For while You lived there tactically,
You did not move strategically.At first from Nazareth You went;
They sought Your life, did not repent
And seek the Kingdom as You preached;
“Get out of Dodge – go to the beach”.But then there came a time to shift –
Strategic forward – watched bow lift,
You soon were planeing ’cross the surf –
Now strategy Your tactics served.Right from the first, light came to town;
On land of darkness day had dawned;
But at the first, strategically,
You were reserved – you had to see –The best approach to win the war,
Not battles won as done before;
For John was caught; You’d almost died;
This called for prayer, and thought beside.But once you saw the strategy,
You moved to town, and now I see
You lived in town, made that your base
To down-lines build in larger race.For geometric is the curve
Of growth in life, not reckless nerve;
You need a base; build house on rock;
Then slowly build what can’t be stopped –By death to top of pyramid –
Down-lines survive – at first they’re hid
Like leaven in the housewife’s loaf –
’Till all is raised – though You are toast.So live your life within a town,
But think it out, then put roots down,
If that’s the base strategically
To do your prep-work tactically.Jerusalem, Your larger goal –
To move in there and make men whole;
Strategic back ’till way is seen,
But forward tactic-hits there’s been.Once strategy goes forward, now
Your tactics, pulled to back, allow
Your work to build a solid base –
Your down-lines’ structure, in your case.Three years of work to take the town
Jerusalem – with curtain down –
And down-lines pouring o’er the wall
To other lands – Good News for all.Christopher Wren had job to do –
London rebuild, but little knew
Of what men did when on their own,
For from reports not much was known.So in disguise he’d walk about;
See for himself; resolve his doubt;
One day he asked, “What’s your job, man?”
“I’m laying bricks, as best I can”.A second mason, also asked,
Said, “This Cathedral-project vast
Is made by me, one brick, then next,
’Till wall is built, here with the rest.”That’s Christ in old Caperna-um
He lived there, sure, and was the Son
Of God – a light in darkness shone,
But then He saw road He was on.Then He could build with purpose seen
And way lay out – what bricks would mean
As He built on foundation’s rock –
“Cathedral” seen, He healed and taught.navigation