Zero – Zorro
Don’t think that “Zero – Zorro” is a slur upon our work –
It’s not – and we are here because the task you did not shirk;
It’s zero ’cause we’re starting, it’s not negative today;
And Zorro ’cause a fight’s ahead, small circle’s where we stay –Until we get on top of things and circle moves on out –
Stay small enough to keep control of what we’re all about;
And if the time emerges when we’re not on top of things,
We’ll pull back to this circle, re-engage with what that brings.So zero is the name I have for circle of three feet;
A bit like “quarter section” farmers keep when growing wheat;
“Home quarter” gives a place to start again so all’s not lost;
It’s tough, but not as tough as when true zero is the cost.So Zero – Zorro’s where we’re at this day, plus one or two;
It soon enough will be the time for moving out with you,
But we’ve got lots to do right now that we have come this far,
And bright for us this day will be – Yahoo! We’ve won, by Gar!navigation