The Vinegar Within
This lady cleaned her coffee pot
With vinegar, but then forgot
To dump it out – so made some brew
In manner she was wont to do.Her daughters poured themselves a cup,
Then added cream – it curdled – yuck!
Did that again with same results;
“Bad batch of cream”, said those adults.When later they heard ’bout the brew;
They laughed, said one, “Don’t know ’bout you
But that’s like me – some things from past
Still curdle parts of life – at last –I’ve had that inner vinegar
Resolved, and now (at least so far),
I’m free! ‘Cast off each weight and sin’
And life in Jubilee begin!”Resolve your inner vinegar
For that will leave you as you are
In Christ – clay pot with treasure bright
Inside; a candle in the night –One body part in larger scene;
Freed from a past which might have been;
Redeemed by Christ, and now set free
To be a best you’re meant to be.navigation