Three Entities At Last
And there we are, three entities at last
To incubate, improve things from the past;
Two bays now filled with fledgling entities,
Drawn out with tape to help us vision these.First Bay, of course, the Cheaper Cheeper store,
Which soon will morph, make books just as before,
With added twist – augmented text as way
To share one’s thought in novels for today.The second Bay, to make New Form of Care
From prototype, through Internet to prepare
Some way to help our seniors live at home,
Connected now so they don’t live alone.Behind all this is CASIL’s guiding hand,
Which came in late, their work to under-stand;
This vision of a think-tank’s entity
Designed with view to setting people free.For freedom here in West’s society,
Means jobs within a world community;
With Internet perhaps we now can see
Our kids stay here, if here they wish to be.navigation