
When you come from a gentle home,
You hide your strength, or you will roam
This world without your kith and kin –
It’s bide alone – or chafe within.

If you come from a feisty lot,
And gentleness is all you’ve got
As gift from God, you learn quite soon
To feisty seem in living room.

But when you get a chance to be
The person in God designed, you see
A treasured life emerge to play
And power explode at work each day.

It’s then we start to even out;
We integrate, then cast about
For others with the gifts we lack,
To work within them, and stop attacks.

Alone is not a friendly place;
Alone can lead to our disgrace;
Together can oppressive be –
In Christ the head, together’s free.

Allergic we no longer are;
We benefit from gifts that jar
Us when we first encounter same –
In Christ we’re blessed – O blessed name!.
