Suppressed Compassion

When little kids play hide-and-seek,
They hide their heads – “If I don’t peek,
They won’t see me behind this chair” –
With bum stuck out, we see them there.

So too when we suppress a gift
God gave to us, as we resist
The pressures from the folks about
Who say, “Don’t let that gifting out”.

We hide the parts which seem to us
Offensive, generating fuss;
But other factors in the set
We do not hide – they’re part, and yet –

We carry on, “They won’t see me;
Protect I will – that part will be
A part of my internal life –
Safe, hidden here, away from strife.”

But others know what’s going on –
“You don’t make sense, when gift is gone;
The blitz is over, bring kids home;
Be unified, not split, alone.

And when we do get unified,
We feel that we’ve just come alive;
“A second birth”, Christ said we need,
If this is it – it’s life indeed!
