O Lord, as I move on this day,
Help me to know the words to say,
As we move forward in this world
Of life and death, of calm and swirl.Lord I don’t know what’s going on,
But rise each day and move along
This road, bewildered presently –
A mess appears unpleasantly.Not mine alone but all of ours;
’Till now we’ve played, like avatars
Another’s game within our space,
Since Adam’s choice for human race.Lord, keep me hidden in Yourself,
Not hidden on some inner shelf,
But hidden in Your heart out here,
That You to others might appear.The Apostolic task it seems
Is strange indeed, for what it means
Is moving to a part of life
I had not lived with my dear wife.The letting go of life before,
Has meant adjustments – there’ll be more
No doubt, from now as we go forth
From here to colder land up north.For that’s what people do from here,
As life in You becomes quite clear –
They leave this world of make-believe,
And speak the truth – here – by Your leave.So, “forthright authenticity”
Is way of life You’ve meant for me,
Shared through what’s called “photography”,
That “mystic process” – pleasantly.Lord, this week marks a line I crossed –
What I’d achieved before the loss
Of silver-based photography,
When digital came real for me.’Till now the young bucks better were
With digi-talent’s flag unfurled;
I’ve now achieved what they can do
In Photoshop which is quite cool –But now I’ve moved to future store
Of image meshed with text – that’s more
Than either one alone could be –
“Augmented text” a form for me.With all the past now funneled down
To outlet-focus small and round,
Life simple gets as we go forth,
In southern values live the North.For what is North’s reality
But forthright authenticity –
To me that’s how I tend to be
Reflected in photography.The “mystic process” was revealed
To all – it secrets were unsealed
For all to gawk at – gone the days
Of making photos silvered ways.Those secrets are irrelevant,
Conducted still in wagon, tent,
If one were still to do those things –
But life moves on – as siren sings.So yesterday I crossed that line –
Can do my olden best just fine;
Still not as good as digi-best,
But now I’ve moved ahead of rest.A moving target it will be,
Electron-based photography;
That’s not the point – now I can see
Augmented text’s the way for me.Lord, as the rest now falls away,
Direction comes to present day
As You now speak quite audibly –
Augmented by “photography”.navigation