Two Merging Streams (Luke 16:19-31)

Two merging streams a river make,
But in the blend both cultures take
And fashion something new in God
Which to the rest seems rather odd.

But now a bridge to both you’ll be,
One foot firm planted all can see
Upon each bank – you form a span
Which lets folks go from land to land.

For down below where you don’t fit,
A gulf is dug, which can’t be fixed,
By Dives and others of his clan –
Now over top you form a span.

Sometimes it’s good to have a gap;
It keeps folks by themselves, and that
Can be a blessing – conflict stops,
So peace can reign as reign it ought.

But how do emissaries cross,
Or must they all their plans now toss?
Ah yes! That span God made in you –
When river blended He from two.
