In Deed, A Friend

I know this lady – watched her grow;
From music played He let me know,
“She’s one of Mine – just whistle back
Some tune you know the others lack”.

I did that, then one day she asked
About my thesis, and a task
She might do well to do – to hear
My views, perhaps to make them clear.

“Agreed”, I said, and more than that,
I set my mind on her, so facts
Could be absorbed by one her age,
So others then could thought engage.

It worked – for lots have read online
My thesis, back to front, and spine,
And asked me questions – for they heard
Through words some echoes of His Word.

Ten years have passed since we prepared
To craft our film and sound, so care
Could pour from Jesus to His flock –
Through us – His modern way to talk.

Then she went deeper – to the mind –
So better fit for being kind;
A skateboard park, then horses’ camp,
She saw as being Jesus’ ramp –

Up into lives adrift, and lost –
“How, Jesus can I meet such cost?”
She asked, but came to see at last
He has His ways – not always fast.

A shift of focus, more on track
With vision – horses, saddles, tack –
A “chance” encounter with my friend,
Shared life with her as trail-rides blend.

And now, today, you share such news!
For life for most is best in two’s;
Some lucky fellow, name of Scott –
Has he a clue the gem he’s got? –

Ach, well, as my friend pointed out,
We all get wives, without a doubt,
Far better than we each deserve,
To love, and cherish, whom to serve –

With kindness, for their need is great –
(Not us, respect – for that we wait
Like cars at fuel pump – “fill ’er up –
So I can help – for life is tough”).

So, hey! That’s great my journeyed friend;
As part of life comes to an end,
I pray God’s blessing on your path,
’Till we all meet with Him at last.

Thanks Amy for the incredible journey to date –
And may God richly bless you both –

