The Difference
The difference now, as seen from here
Is who I am, that much is clear;
I could not get what once was said
About the road where now I’m led.For all’s the same, yet nothing is,
As we traverse this land of biz;
“Apostle”, not the issue here,
But rather, “sent” has made things clear.For now the things Nee said before
Are clear, apply, as through the door
I walk – as one who’s sent from God,
Which was before, so isn’t odd –But that was different in its day –
A lot’s transpired since “call”, and way
Things shifted, changed, and turned,
And piles of things from Him I learned.The difference? “Second call” I guess;
The reason? I’m not sure – confess
That it surprised me when it came,
Event for which I have no name.But difference? All the world to me;
And Lord, the inner change I see
Is quantum leaps from what has been
For thirty years or so it seems.“Authority”, Boldt said one time,
“From God it comes, or not, that’s fine;
Permission from the people comes,
It has to, so that freedom runs.“When they align’s when things get done;
Life moves ahead – not walk but run –
Resourc is tied to such events”;
That difference now to me makes sense.“In Christ all things I now can do”,
Paul said, and many times You too,
O Lord – “Abide in me”, You said,
And push on through, as you have read.”That’s none too soon, O Lord, my God;
For things ’round here upon this sod
Quite strange have been, as You’re aware,
As we’ve progressed within Your care.Whatever this is all about,
Help us move on without a doubt
About Your plan for us, so real,
That life explodes in freedom’s deal –That Jubilee might come at last;
That Jubilee might be the blast
That sets folks free to live indeed –
May walk – released from stifling need.I hear, O Lord, “Just carry on,
And do My will in freedom’s song:
I’ll guide, you follow in My way,
As dawn now turns to light of day”.Thanks, Lord, for this.