First Rule Of Coveting – Go Get Your Own (Exodus 20:17)
If you want, or just desire
Some object, or you just aspire
To be some person, image, form,
Just do it – ’round here that’s the norm.Assumptions? Yes of course there’s more.
Restrictions? Yes there’s blocks galore.
The chances? On this continent
Are high you’ll win, if you’ll consent –To walk the talk; and talk the walk;
Stay focused; work with what you’ve got;
Don’t by diversions be misled;
And by exchange be daily fed.You’ll need to walk with other gifts,
For where you sag, the others lift;
And you have stuff to give as well –
Exchange – or life will soon be hell.For co-dependence is a way
To be misguided; have no say;
Have others bend you out of shape;
And leave you churning in their wake.A better way to live your life,
As single, or with kids and wife,
Is inter-active in the world,
Inter-dependent in the swirl.Exchange – upfront, clear, and direct,
With others for their things – respect –
That’s how they’ve come (at best of times)
To seek exchange – trade theirs for the thine.And in the worst case they will see
Exchange quite co-dependently –
“You give, I take – you leave I’ll die –
It’s nonsense – and I’ll tell you why –We’re all dependent at the start,
And some will end that way when dark
Surrounds their lives – ill-health or death
Is of their road, demands each breath.But as we grow we feel the thrill
Of independent living – still
We know we must with others live,
If we’re to have some place to give –What we bring to the table now
That we’ve grown up – some “what” or “how” –
So we can live within the swirl,
As fast maturing boy or girl.So independent is okay;
It has its teenage heady day,
But once we find our wings work well
We turn to others – ask and tell –“How does it work – your way of life –
Inter-dependence with your wife,
Or kids, or boss, co-workers here –
Pray tell, and help me see it clear.”First rule of coveting’s the key
“What e’er you want, don’t look to me
To be the source – go get your own –
That’s why a door’s on childhood’s home –So you can go and find a way
To build the life you want, and stay
With those who climb that mountain range;
With whom your purpose is not strange.Pick those to whom you bring some skill,
Some benefit of act or will,
With whom you can exchange – free will –
And all come out ahead – and thrill –To feel the benefit each day
Of inter-active life, and way
Of living in a way that’s free,
Yet also independently.Rule one? “Go out and get your own –
Don’t covet, steal, take crop that’s owned
By others – grow and then exchange –
On that foundation base your change.navigation