First Rule Of Coveting – Go Get Your Own (Exodus 20:17)

If you want, or just desire
Some object, or you just aspire
To be some person, image, form,
Just do it – ’round here that’s the norm.

Assumptions? Yes of course there’s more.
Restrictions? Yes there’s blocks galore.
The chances? On this continent
Are high you’ll win, if you’ll consent –

To walk the talk; and talk the walk;
Stay focused; work with what you’ve got;
Don’t by diversions be misled;
And by exchange be daily fed.

You’ll need to walk with other gifts,
For where you sag, the others lift;
And you have stuff to give as well –
Exchange – or life will soon be hell.

For co-dependence is a way
To be misguided; have no say;
Have others bend you out of shape;
And leave you churning in their wake.

A better way to live your life,
As single, or with kids and wife,
Is inter-active in the world,
Inter-dependent in the swirl.

Exchange – upfront, clear, and direct,
With others for their things – respect –
That’s how they’ve come (at best of times)
To seek exchange – trade theirs for the thine.

And in the worst case they will see
Exchange quite co-dependently –
“You give, I take – you leave I’ll die –
It’s nonsense – and I’ll tell you why –

We’re all dependent at the start,
And some will end that way when dark
Surrounds their lives – ill-health or death
Is of their road, demands each breath.

But as we grow we feel the thrill
Of independent living – still
We know we must with others live,
If we’re to have some place to give –

What we bring to the table now
That we’ve grown up – some “what” or “how” –
So we can live within the swirl,
As fast maturing boy or girl.

So independent is okay;
It has its teenage heady day,
But once we find our wings work well
We turn to others – ask and tell –

“How does it work – your way of life –
Inter-dependence with your wife,
Or kids, or boss, co-workers here –
Pray tell, and help me see it clear.”

First rule of coveting’s the key
“What e’er you want, don’t look to me
To be the source – go get your own –
That’s why a door’s on childhood’s home –

So you can go and find a way
To build the life you want, and stay
With those who climb that mountain range;
With whom your purpose is not strange.

Pick those to whom you bring some skill,
Some benefit of act or will,
With whom you can exchange – free will –
And all come out ahead – and thrill –

To feel the benefit each day
Of inter-active life, and way
Of living in a way that’s free,
Yet also independently.

Rule one? “Go out and get your own –
Don’t covet, steal, take crop that’s owned
By others – grow and then exchange –
On that foundation base your change.
