The Butler

Ah! Autumn equinox has come around another time,
As trees are changing color and the weather is sublime;
My wall of rock is growing as the basement gets repaired;
I sense a bit of lift in project – more than I had dared –

To think was even possible way back in starting out,
But God said, “Keep on moving, I am bigger than your doubt”.
I’m glad we did, I’m glad we do, as winter comes around,
For life is getting better as we rise up from the ground.

There’s twigs and leaves which dangle from our landing-gear below;
We clipped some trees in pulling out of dive which seemed so slow;
Lord, thanks for all Your helping us despite apparent risk,
And thanks for life both present and ahead we haven’t missed –

Like movie-time last evening – saw The Butler ’bout a man,
Who worked as staff in White House in the years of which I can
Recall so clearly now as I look back upon my life –
A lot has happened – like the quest, my shift to day from night.

For change comes rather slowly as the years go flying by,
And time now rolls on faster as a plane now rises high;
For life as kids seems endless with the future stretching out,
But time creates illusions – “wonder what it’s all about”.

But when an airplane taxis from its hangar at the first,
We hardly sense it moving; wait our turn; then with a lurch,
We’re pressed into our seats when breaking from the ground effect;
And angle up, then level off – seems slow as height we get.

Then as we land, things speed up, though reality is slow;
The trees and buildings hardly seen – seem fast, and yet we know
If we were moving fast, as up at thirty thousand feet,
We couldn’t stop this aeroplane – so sit back in our seat.

Our watching films like Butler, reading journals, viewing pix,
Are mainly done as life slows down for landing, and we wish
The journey was just starting – but it’s ending even now;
Ahead is everlasting – we deplane– and know somehow –

We’re in a different place in life, our journey’s moved us on;
Sometimes our flight was bumpy, sometimes smooth, but that’s all gone;
For now we get to meet some folks awaiting at the gate,
To usher in some living on the ground, for heaven’s sake.
