Body Life

We need the other body parts each day,
But most, we need the Christ – the head, the way,
To carry on, as He fulfills our dreams,
Our hearts desires – more than we’ve ever seen.

He frees us up, our soul-soil clears of trash;
Plows up the soil, receptive made at last;
Clears out the weeds which flourish in the breeze
But have no head, no fruit to meet life’s needs.

Then He unites us with the other parts;
Removes the allergy – when gone, we start
To benefit from other gifts the way
The body works – as unified each day.

Unique we are – each gifted in some way,
Like hand or eye – both great, but neither say
The words we feel, consume our daily bread –
All parts we need, or soon, “sick, weak, then dead”.

So, let’s move on, together in our Lord,
Responsive to His guidance in the Word;
It won’t suffice to be a part alone –
Now jointly we can take our journey home.
