As One That Serves

When I was just a little lad of twelve,
The men would gather, in the Bible delve
To hear the Word, apply it to their lives,
While living in community with wives.

The label which they chose? “AOTS”;
Not perfect, but for them it seemed the best –
“As one that serves” a quote from gospel text,
How Jesus self-described when not at rest.

To do the work of one who “does a task”,
Stand in, that is, to fill a need when asked;
Is not the same as being one who does
The task as one who does the work because –

That is his task – “Assignment? This is yours –
Step to the plate, do all its little chores;
You are the man – or woman – step right up,
And take the mantle, finger-ring, and cup”.

Now that’s a different view of life indeed –
No longer just responding to a need,
But there because assigned to do a task,
As Father-God of you has something asked.

It’s still a choice – should you accept and say,
“Okay”, a change comes over work each day,
And flavors how you grow up in your life,
Relations with your neighbors, colleagues, wife.

Five types of gifts Christ gives to help us out –
The pastor leads the local folks about;
The teacher helps us grow up into Christ;
Evangelist, “Come in from snow and ice”.

The prophet helps us see our way throughout
Our days so we don’t wander all about;
Apostle steps across a borderline,
Enriching troubled lives with views sublime.

The shift for me from “doing work as one”,
To “work as one who serves” has now begun;
Lord, help me as I move along this way,
And grace me as Your servant here today.

