Under Attack

While slugging ’round this messy space,
With walls and floors ripped from their place,
Some lines popped to my mind each day
Which Jesus, You saw come to play –

Like, when You spoke of weeds mixed in
With crop that’s good – “Should we begin
To tear the weeds to give crop room?”
“No – don’t up-root – end’s coming soon” –

But in that context came the words
Which yesterday I first-time heard:
“An enemy has done this”, Stu
“That fact I’m giving now to you”.

And as I tore down study wall,
Thought turned to Reagan ’fore the fall
Of Russia and her set of plans
Far-off in Eastern Europe’s lands –

For in his speech he said that day,
“Tear-down-this-wall”, and Reagan had his way,
For time had come, left-ditch collapsed
As right-ditch will someday – at last.

And then as I awoke this morn,
A Symphony of flute and horn –
An orchestra with choir sang,
“Forever reign – our Jesus can” –

Of Jesus, “Mountain-moving man”
Who “Mighty acts of saving can
Deliver us what e’er the cost,
Because He died upon that cross”.

And humor through that awful mess;
Appreciation nonetheless
When payment went to NSF
I just in time could fix the rest.

Lord, it’s a war on all around,
And yet with feet high off the ground
I ride Your shoulders – they ride mine
And so, on You, we’re doing fine.

Alone, and on our own I’d say,
It’s toast we’d be long since – for pay
Has been deferred – “Invest in him
And let perceiver-life begin –

“Within your region – giver-land
Just do it, Stu, you’ll understand
Someday, with all, as you look back
And see what now you people lack.”

Lord thanks for all this – every day –
As we ride on and feel this way
Of Your firm steps beneath our ride
In You we do not run and hide –

But rather, move into the fray;
And now, on this the final day
Of this first phase of project bright –
“Prosperity while doing right”

And so, as through this night we go
Your grace in fact we’ve come to know,
Played out as we see acts of foe –
Recall the words – and see they’re so.

Thanks Lord, for all this.
