A Picture Of A Pix
A thrill it was to see her take a picture of the pix
I’d used upon the sign outside our shop where I had fixed
A notice that this week was coming care of letter “A”,
And we had moved along each week until this letter, “K”.For “K” is used to spell a “Kirk” (or “Church” as we would say);
“It’s like a greenhouse where we grow up people every day”;
My picture of a greenhouse lit at evening by the sun,
Was illustrative of the truth, “Kirks also need the Son”.At first she paused outside our shop the impact was quite clear;
And then she fished her cell phone from her purse and shifted near;
She snapped a picture of my pix – and there confirmed to me,
That illustrating themes in books might help some people see.For “Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see”, Christ said;
And “Hopefully folks rise to life up from the walking dead”;
“Be born again”, Christ mentioned to his visitor one night,
“Then walk your talk”, and “Talk your walk”, “Be prosperous and right”.I wish you well, I’m glad you liked the thought I shared with you;
I hope you know some other folks to share that point of view;
I thank you for your photograph which captured thought that way;
God bless you as you live this week brought by the letter, “K”.navigation