Paradigm Pioneer

I heard it in those notes this time,
That what I do works out just fine
Without constructing all that much,
If I some hearts and minds can touch.

For as a pioneer I trudge
Through marsh and woodlands, as I nudge
The boundaries of our Valley’s edge,
Beyond the zone of home and hedge.

I make a map, and leave a trail;
I cross the streams on logs – prevail
Against each challenge – lessons learned
Set down in print, each insight earned.

I leave no bridge where I have walked;
I’ve met some folks, with some I’ve talked;
I’ve walked some miles, and climbed some hills;
Initial notes my mind distills.

A maker of fine maps I am;
I indicate the way one can
Proceed along the path I’ve trod,
As I’ve walked on, one hand in God’s.

A pioneer, of paradigms
Set down in prose and simple rhymes,
That others coming by this way
Might learn from notes I write today.
