Paradigm Pioneer
I heard it in those notes this time,
That what I do works out just fine
Without constructing all that much,
If I some hearts and minds can touch.For as a pioneer I trudge
Through marsh and woodlands, as I nudge
The boundaries of our Valley’s edge,
Beyond the zone of home and hedge.I make a map, and leave a trail;
I cross the streams on logs – prevail
Against each challenge – lessons learned
Set down in print, each insight earned.I leave no bridge where I have walked;
I’ve met some folks, with some I’ve talked;
I’ve walked some miles, and climbed some hills;
Initial notes my mind distills.A maker of fine maps I am;
I indicate the way one can
Proceed along the path I’ve trod,
As I’ve walked on, one hand in God’s.A pioneer, of paradigms
Set down in prose and simple rhymes,
That others coming by this way
Might learn from notes I write today.navigation