A Demanding Business
Ach! Mother’s Day it is once more;
They beat up dads at church – what’s more
They’re very sanctimonious –
Men haters in the midst of us.“Of course we’re right”; “We’ve got the brush
And can of paint” – “Because of us
Men in our lives – the ones we bore –
Are just like us – whom we abhor”.“Abhor”, “abort” – so close in sound
And meaning – lots to go around;
The evil one sits back in smirks,
So easy now – we do his work.“He is not real – you just project
Your twisted mind – that way it lets
You skip responsibility
For what your being does to me”.So on it goes – demands are made;
And blame is on our manhood laid;
Male clergy persons pick it up
And serve it out – Come on! Enough!If we’re the ones so bad it seems
That evil comes from us – it means
That men abort now half the kids;
But wait – it’s “choice”; “demand” which rids –Our world of half its kids today
(A social cost we’ve yet to pay),
So button up about how bad
Those people are, whom we call dad.There’s lots of blame to go around;
We need not paint each man who’s found
With disrespect because he’s male,
Or let this fantasy prevail.Society can do its thing,
But to such thought and ways we bring
Salt, light, and leaven to the mix –
Let’s now reflect the life Christ fixed.Male blame? Of course – we’re human too –
That’s no excuse to say that you
Are somehow far above such things
As evil done – as thought, it stings.So substitute irrelevance
Into your words, so circumstance
Can raise to your awareness fast,
So silliness can end at last.Like, take the put-down-ads where men
Are dunces, stupid, fools, again,
And play reverse – that women are
The stupid ones, much worse by far –Then listen to the women scream,
“We’re saints! – Whatever could you mean
By putting us in lesser place,
And holding us to such disgrace?”It’s called “pre-judging” by some class
Or grouping, such as “lad”, or “lass”;
Seen by some folks to be okay –
Let’s drop that stuff – this Mother’s Day.navigation