
You said, “They’re not one person but a team;
So problems which a client has can mean
It is addressed with quality and strength,
As members of the team respond at length.

The tempo is spaced out with firm resolve;
The problems which emerge the team can solve;
A reputation firm with excellence;
Relentless pace – momentum is immense.

So – Cheaper Cheeper – print-shop with some books,
With team approach – I wonder how that looks
With mix of gifts and skills commensurate –
Could we establish that and demonstrate –

The balance, in the body’s to be found;
Success for one-in-all in this is sound –
Each gift is represented in the mix,
So gaps for each the other’s strength can fix.

It seems to me if we want excellence
Sustainable, with atmosphere not tense,
We need a mix of gifts, each with a part,
So one and all succeed – before we start.

Perceivers set the vision, long-term task;
Lay out the “What” and “Why” but then must ask,
Encourager, “How to?” play out the game,
And iterate until best way is plain.

Administrator then picks up the ball;
Discusses till the vision’s clear to all;
Then implements with wheels the getting game,
With product made and given in exchange –

For cash – the giver’s forte in the mix –
Investment – ROI, and bag of tricks
That finances the enterprise with skill
And expertise – for it’s a funded will.

Compassion-people make a happy place;
Hold up the art with joy in any case;
The servers do the detailed work in craft –
With mix of those soon everyone will laugh.

The teachers with their bent for research work,
Can edit, fix the content in the book;
The overlapping gifts can fill the gaps,
Organic end-result would be at last.

If any of the gifts gets pushed aside,
If any point of view does not reside
Within the unit, soon this will arise –
One entity which faces its demise.
