You said, “They’re not one person but a team;
So problems which a client has can mean
It is addressed with quality and strength,
As members of the team respond at length.The tempo is spaced out with firm resolve;
The problems which emerge the team can solve;
A reputation firm with excellence;
Relentless pace – momentum is immense.So – Cheaper Cheeper – print-shop with some books,
With team approach – I wonder how that looks
With mix of gifts and skills commensurate –
Could we establish that and demonstrate –The balance, in the body’s to be found;
Success for one-in-all in this is sound –
Each gift is represented in the mix,
So gaps for each the other’s strength can fix.It seems to me if we want excellence
Sustainable, with atmosphere not tense,
We need a mix of gifts, each with a part,
So one and all succeed – before we start.Perceivers set the vision, long-term task;
Lay out the “What” and “Why” but then must ask,
Encourager, “How to?” play out the game,
And iterate until best way is plain.Administrator then picks up the ball;
Discusses till the vision’s clear to all;
Then implements with wheels the getting game,
With product made and given in exchange –For cash – the giver’s forte in the mix –
Investment – ROI, and bag of tricks
That finances the enterprise with skill
And expertise – for it’s a funded will.Compassion-people make a happy place;
Hold up the art with joy in any case;
The servers do the detailed work in craft –
With mix of those soon everyone will laugh.The teachers with their bent for research work,
Can edit, fix the content in the book;
The overlapping gifts can fill the gaps,
Organic end-result would be at last.If any of the gifts gets pushed aside,
If any point of view does not reside
Within the unit, soon this will arise –
One entity which faces its demise.navigation