Remember Me (Genesis 40:14-15; 23)

It’s hard to watch folks come to life,
Though good it is – would not be right
If it were otherwise – it seems
That others get releasing dreams.

Spectacular it is when friend
Finds health again and struggle ends –
Spring in their steps; they’re on their way;
First comes the dawn, then comes their day.

“Remember me” said Joseph twice;
But no one did – despite advice
And dreams interpreted – instead
They wrote him off as someone dead.

To me it’s getting tiresome –
Ditch pushing, though a lot of fun,
Still means a life down in the ditch,
Despite if middle-class or rich.

That’s true, O Lord, where would I be
If You'd that day had not called on me,
And set me on a better path –
That would be it – no life; no task.

But all cleaned up, no place to go,
Though having gone this role I know;
But what about my dreams from You?
Don’t I get whacks at those things too?

“Stu, just relax and give Me time;
It all will work in end just fine;
Hang loose and you’ll make out all right,
Don’t hold the steering wheel so tight”.

Thank you Lord.
