
Refreshing in a way, in church last night –
Apostle spoke of mission-field, and fight
The evil one brought to his work out there,
And how my present scene in fact compares.

For we are insulated from the foe,
Here in this plush oasis in the snow –
Insurance, and the rule of law prevail;
We’ve grocery stores, and home-delivered mail.

I’m five years clear of cancer, and the fight
A minor skirmish, once they were set right
And saw I was from upper-middle-class,
And slotted me to upper-tier at last.

But there the medics serve the rich elite;
The other folks have faith by which to meet
The anguish and the pain of broken health,
Made worse by those who make their way by stealth.

There’s several ways to bring refreshment here:
Move north – First Nations live in second-tier;
Do Apostolic work right here in town –
The evil one will hear, and come around.

Reject the status quo, engage the task
Of justice for the ones who come in last;
Take on systemic sin (which is preferred);
Reject mind-numbing-drugs where pain’s deferred.

“Revival”? “Move of spirit?” Really? Now?
Reduce the cushion insulating how
The few who aren’t among the eight percent
Of wealthy in the world, exist in tents.

For then the need of God comes clear at last –
Like Moses said, beware when need has passed;
For Promised Lands have traps made out of gold;
Say grace – for wealth makes faith a fashion old.
