The Phoenix Division

Two symbols on the sign appear,
From middle-ground – they now come near;
The first was Cheaper Cheeper Co.
The second was ephemeral –

So it stayed quite illusively
In background, ’cept as functionally
It operated in the back –
Long-term informing how to act.

What some would term a “ministry”,
Was Phoenix’ place – initially
Drawn from a model he had known,
Played out within his childhood home:

A “Study” – place were thought was cooked,
Then shared – as preaching from The Book,
Applied to life informally
To groups, or one-on-one by me.

So, as he grew, in contexts three –
Bush, rural, urban – then with me
On projects varied through his life,
He learned first-hand what “work” was like.

I gave him Bible, “Great Books” set,
So he could enter – wisdom get
And give, within that larger frame,
As he grew into doing same.

Like me, he saw the business part –
’Twas present when he got his start –
I printed info in the north,
Made games and pix, brought projects forth.

Philosophy behind each one
Was “Phoenix” – for I wasn’t done
Until we all had found our place
As members of the human race.

And money? That subsistence was;
It paid the costs (in part) because
My living-costs were paid throughout
By work I did and was “about” –

My “Why”, that is, my guiding light,
Which kept me going through the night,
Out on my quest to find the part
Which missing was – impeding start.

But in between I let it go
At His instructions – so I’d know
That life grows up when seed has died –
It's logarithmic-multiplied.

For death and resurrection-ground
Are base where ministry is found;
Twelve rods plus one laid in the night –
One blossomed, bloomed, set record right.

“Eight hours a day photography”
Emerged much later here for me;
Has not resolved, though helpful was
For making ways to move, because –

I’d get hung up on some lone beach;
Could see no way my goal to reach;
And then I'd think, “Photography”,
And off I did go successfully.

So it’s a process, tool, or way;
It chugs along from day to day,
It never did emerge to be
A way to live – supporting me.

But, “Phoenix” did (not by that name) –
I researched did – the end the same;
I prototyped the paradigms
Of three new shifts to modern times.

Each time I had to see the key;
Perceivers’ insights helped me see
Some aspect we had somehow missed,
Which ended when some bloke got “dis-ed”.

The three have blended through the years –
First Nations’ learning without tears;
Then church renewal’s missing part;
Now givers’ body-life re-start.

So what was cash along our way?
What vital part has money played?
Why, Phoenix – it’s development,
Within the Cheaper Cheeper tent.

For Phoenix is as Phoenix does;
Form follows function here because
It’s best that way – the long-term view
You give to others, as to you.

How best to hook those babies up?
A mid-range structure is enough,
Which carries forth the long-range part,
Till “days-to-weeks” can find its start.

For Cheaper Cheeper counter-weights;
In long-term view participates;
It lets a concrete aspect live,
And public interaction gives.

To implement stability
In Phoenix-work, it seems to me
A “trickle structure” should work fine,
To give a “funded” feel – like mine –

But harness up the Phoenix van
To business world – much better than
Non-profit world (its twisted view
Right now, is not the best for you).

So where does that leave outside task?
Relief of pressure – lets us ask
How best to structure Phoenix in
To Cheaper Cheeper – then begin –

To operate, and get it right
Before it’s big – increase its might
As we test out capacity
To carry freight, and future see.

Of course some learnings on the way
Will filter in and help us lay
Our plans for Phoenix, Cheeper Co.
Then quality begin to show.
