In practical I saw the theoretical –
We’d come up to a block which was mechanical
Which meant a “work-around” we did old-fashioned way
And somehow circumvented end without delay.But as we did our cut and folding there by hand,
I used the task we did to help him understand
The task I did in making ‘blue’ a place of peace –
I’m searching for the parts which you have now released.There’s parts of this job I won’t touch for I would wreck,
And we’ve no wiggle-room in what machine has left;
But I can do the folding, there’s no danger there,
Which lets you fix the part still needing tender care.So too in task I do – I search the pallet-load
For parts still wired to you because, if truth be told,
Within the whole there’s parts which now can be cut free,
So we can just essential parts now clearly see.navigation