So there it is, that early tail –
The bell-shaped curve down in the vale –
He’d been a kid here on our street,
And now he’s gone to Saviour meet.Lord, that’s a sobering thought to us
As we press on within this muss;
“The good die young”, my grandma quipped,
But young or not, this man has slipped –Away from here, left family,
And in that fact, a fact we see –
That there are those whose needless death
We now prevent with our success.Perceivers have a role to play
As body-part with us today;
But shut right out of larger group,
They end up in financial soup.So anyway, we soldier on,
And pause to mark that one has gone;
Emboldened to press on again,
That our success might ease some pain.Lord, as we work this day in You
I pray for insight to Your view;
Help me let go in taking hold,
Diagonally come under load.Thanks.