The “Why”

When God a prophet calls to arms
To sound for people His alarms,
Or lead His troops against the foe,
He has a place for each to go –

“Please to an end apartheid bring”;
“Give southern blacks a dream to sing”;
“Drive tyranny from Europe’s shores”;
“Bring peace to Middle East once more”;

“Help independence come through peace”;
“Grain farmers trapped find sweet release”;
“First Nations gain their treaty rights”;
“Lead Métis in provincial fight”.

For each and every prophet moved
By call of God it has behooved
Him to rise up to meet some task
(Or her – it can be lad or lass) –

So what’s the content of your call?
What hunger beckons most of all?
For hunger, thirst for righteousness
Specific is within the mess.

My hunch – it has to do with cash –
That “just return” might come at last,
Not just for self – that all might see
A boost to our economy.

Perceivers linked back into life,
When Golden eggs from fresh insights
Transforming lives of those around,
As boost for work from them is found.

You’ve felt that hunger deep inside,
As self-directed work you’ve tried;
Your analytic, insight-base
Brought innovation in each case.

But problem was the money floor –
When eggs were snitched there were no more;
Or when they made you KFC,
The flow of eggs then ceased to be.

Poached eggs are great to start your day,
But not if that involves your pay;
A loaf of bread costs you is much
As others selling other stuff.

Your innovative output’s been
From Palo Alto different – seems
They like to dream but market hate,
You like to sell and innovate.

Upon your walls three pictures hang –
A set – when innovation sang
Of value from a tool you sold,
And paintings bought with pirate gold.

A “Cheaper Cheeper”, “Phoenix” sign
Hangs on the wall, which brings to mind
A clever market-slogan-way
To help some friends move on today.

But then St. John – where does that fit?
Your place? The central part of it –
Both person, and the hands laid on –
Community that heals St. John.

But more – just who is central man?
A prophet-type who, leading, can
Rise up to meet a local need;
A humble servant without greed.

For power to act, to be, and speak,
From deep inside cannot be weak;
But rather, channel of God’s grace
Is there to feed the human race.

“Prosperity with righteousness”,
Teased out, half way to our success –
A work to build capacity;
That "tribal" ways might come to be –

Not best for all, but best for some –
Like you – for, value for the one
Is value for the larger group –
If all can live, and cash recoup.

The “think tank” part developed is;
Now “money floor” to link with biz
Must be developed, so ceiling can
Reflect the flow with this young man.

You built a store-front entity,
In which to see if you could see
The larger problem in our town
Which kept perceiver-giftings down.

Experiments and consult-chats
Gave data, which, refined, showed that
You had the parts – you called me in
To help define the fix we’re in –

Not us, just you and me that is,
But all of us in finance, biz;
First half is there, so as you go
To earn some cash, now we will know –

How best to link to business world
Constructively, then, flag unfurled,
We’ll plug it in and turn it on,
Then hopefully the problem’s gone.

So, question – “Have I got it right?
That what’s above describes your fight
As “Profit-Prophet’s ministry
That’s righteous with prosperity”?
