What Is This Lord?
I’m not sure what’s going on,
As we give-and-take – respond
To each other’s parry-thrust,
Pushing now as push we must.Maybe, Lord, it’s overdue,
Should have been when I heard You;
But I couldn’t go that day
Up the mountain straight-a-way.I know that just raises costs,
Saving sheep which have been lost;
Maybe some can scale some cliffs,
Other folks like me insist –On a gentler way to rise,
To the moment – in our eyes
There are ways too steep for faith
At our level, risks to take.What I’m hearing is the cost –
Willing that it all be lost;
Lord, you know that is the base
Of my work in any case.Lord, what also comes to mind,
Is, “Investment is the kind
Of transition you do here;
In that I must stay quite clear”.Lord, in this keep my sight clear,
Keep us both as we draw near,
To the factor(s) blocking this,
Last in darkness point is missed.Lord, we tunnel from each end;
Help us meet and then transcend,
Obstacles which separate –
Free us to participate.Lord, five hours in the park,
Left us both still in the dark;
Three months later, Jubilee,
Broke the channel through for me.“Blood of Christ” the issue then
Which I could not comprehend;
He was trapped within his talk,
I in horizontal walked.Then again with Doreen hit,
Candle in the dark was lit,
In a comment she expressed –
With that insight I’ve been blessed.Then with Redvers – SVP –
Silent work You gave to me,
’Till the Rabbi’s words broke through,
Freeing me to move with You.Lord, Your ways are not our ways;
You have bid us live our days
In your life, with You in us;
Resting in Your arms, in trust.I surrender all to You;
Help me know just what to do;
May I in this comprehend
What I need this road to mend.“Stu, just do your work today;
You and he will be okay;
Push through darkness to the light;
In the end you’ll be alright”.Okay. Thanks, Lord.