Catastrophy - The Sword Of Constantine (Carroll #1) (Genesis 1:1-3)
It seems some bloke or other once
Set up a cross – some kind of dunce –
At Auschwitz – which lit the fuse
On further reasons to abuse –The Jews – what, will it never cease?
As faith for us we see increase,
It seems that European hate
Is well-admixed, “For Jesus’ sake”Good Friday here was yesterday,
So now I start this book today –
A story of the Christians-Jews
And years of constant cruel abuse.The author’s Catholic and writes;
First chapter has an image nice –
Of Cross as cross-hairs on a scope,
In lens of faith – the Christian hope.I guess for me the shift that’s mine,
Took place at thesis-writing time,
When I saw clearer flow of God,
To all, through Jews, out to this sod.As Creenglishman from Echoland,
I’ve felt release from Europe’s stand;
There were some cultures interesting,
But fraught with problems – like this thing.Each culture has its gaps and holes,
To which Christ’s message segments go;
Like salt, and light, and rising leaven,
They amplify the light we’re given.Christ’s message? “Judaism lite”
For export – salt, and leaven, light –
Stripped-down for export, that’s the gas
Which fuels our tank, resolves our past.But Europeans aren’t the world,
There’s lots of problems we’ve unfurled;
Christ’s answer for their emptiness
Means naught to us for righteousness.No matter what parts get resolved
When gospel to each culture’s hauled,
It leaves some holes to later fill –
The Europeans have some still –And those who journeyed ’cross the sea
To settle here – like you and me –
We brought such emptiness along,
Where “Cross at Auschwitz” belongs.Creative force – the breath of God –
Is “Ruach” – when He gave the nod
To life, day one, He hovered there
And brought out order through His care.Its absence – no creative power –
Is “Shoah” – like in Nazi’s hour
Of wickedness – “Catastrophe”,
Not, “Holocaust to God”, indeed!So what of punchy photographs?
Creative Spirit – where it laughs
Through images – God hovers there?
Expressing now His breath of care?Do they show absence of that power?
Another “Shoah” in my hour –
Before, behind, beneath the lens?
For on that Spirit life depends.Or in my business-life of late –
Does Spirit hover, contemplate
What could be said and done through me?
Or is the “Shoah” plain to see?Is “he who in the Lord’s name comes”
A blessed or a cursed one?
Christ we’ll not see if it’s not “blessed”
Within our heart of emptiness.navigation