Session Five – Steps Eight And Nine Renewed

So what are “eight” and “nine” about?
About today – there is no doubt;
Tomorrow too – not just the past,
Though that’s addressed and it will last.

Get ready – don’t just rush right in;
It took some time to hone our sin,
So take a moment – two perhaps –
As you a-mend the bridges past.

A bridge that cannot carry freight,
A loaded truck with all its weight,
Is not a bridge which God can use
To work through us – as He might choose.

So stop and think – two things at least –
Apologize – so you’re released
From all that weight – just dump it, Mac,
And energy you will not lack.

Then there’s rebuke – if it’s required –
Our gift to them if we’ve desired
To be set free from unjust hurt;
Release them first – don’t take their dirt.

There are three versions of a yarn
Where we get hurt, where they did harm:
My side; your side; and truth between –
Give them your side, and don’t be mean.

For when they get both sides of yarn,
The truth emerges – trips alarm
In them, for now they have both parts;
Then you’re released – deep in your heart.

That gives God room to work in them,
As you conduct this tough “amend”;
God sets you free – you’ve done your bit,
So both can find release in it.

The other aspect where we trip,
Is marriage vows – joined at the hip
We are, and we must face the fact
That both affect the way each acts.

As husband, we set Spirit’s tone
For wife and kids around the home;
Don’t like the tone? That’s where to peek –
Work for their welfare – then repeat.

As wife, the woman has a can
Of paint, and brush to paint her man;
Don’t like the paint-job? Where’s the brush?
In women’s hands – with gentle touch.

The paint? “Respect” – for men can’t live
Their lives with fullness – nor can give
Their gift of spirit-tone full out,
Without respect – of that, no doubt.

It’s cyclical – both parts depend
On other half – which lets us mend
Relationships – just turn around
And poor your part to those around.

Work for her welfare – that’s agape –
Self-giving love – poured out her way,
So she’s in better shape to give
Respect you need to fully live.

I know life’s more complex than that,
But starting there addresses facts
Which like a rock tossed in a pond,
Can ripple ’till each half responds.

So think, then do what Spirit shares
With you, so God can make repairs;
Your “Hunger List” can show the way
To show your love in coming days.
