Return On Investments

When working in the church back then,
They wanted me to fold and bend;
To be all gussied up like them,
As they played priest – and not offend –

Their expectations – what a crock –
If they had given any thought
To what’s required of us today,
They’d know that’s not the only way.

In vestments was not right for me;
To prance around for folks to see –
A stupid thing for me to be,
When fruit was wanted from this tree.

In vestments or investments then?
My path of life then took a bend;
And now it’s looking pretty plain,
As I return to work again.

For ROI is where it’s at
(Fruit on the vine, and all of that);
Enough’s enough of spade and hoe,
If we would fruit of harvest know.

“Invest in him”, You said to me,
“And you a good return shall see”;
I did; am doing; now I hear,
“Step back, look up, the end is near.

“Not end as endings were before,
When they showed you the exit door;
But end of cycle – ROI,
When all comes clear – like ‘what’ and ‘why’.

“For up ’till now you’ve sought a way,
To do your life from day to day;
Now you’ll be shown another way
To frame your life – for as I say –

“The words you haven’t heard before,
You’ll find the handle on the door
Is turned and opened – through you’ll go,
And then you’ll see the paths I’ll show.”

Lord, as I walk this current path,
Am freed of all this weight at last,
Grace me through harvest times again –
Your guiding word – may it be plain.

And grace me most of all these days
Of harvest time, as harvest pays
For work we’ve done – it’s rich reward –
Continued walk with You as Lord.

